QEMU控制台,即QEMU monitor,是在QEMU模拟器运行时为其提供各种有用功能模块的工具,可以在比如调试时得到意想不到的帮助。在QEMU模拟器启动后,通过ctrl +a + c的操作序列进入。



acl_add aclname match allow|deny [index] -- add a match rule to the access control list
acl_policy aclname allow|deny -- set default access control list policy
acl:remove aclname match -- remove a match rule from the access control list
acl_reset aclname -- reset the access control list
acl_show aclname -- list rules in the access control list
announce_self [interfaces] [id] -- Trigger GARP/RARP announcements
balloon target -- request VM to change its memory allocation (in MB)
block_job_cancel [-f] device -- stop an active background block operation (use -f
         if you want to abort the operation immediately
         instead of keep running until data is in sync)
block_job_complete device -- stop an active background block operation
block_job_pause device -- pause an active background block operation
block_job_resume device -- resume a paused background block operation
block_job_set_speed device speed -- set maximum speed for a background block operation
block_passwd block_passwd device password -- set the password of encrypted block devices
block_resize device size -- resize a block image
block_set_io_throttle device bps bps_rd bps_wr iops iops_rd iops_wr -- change I/O throttle limits for a block drive
block_stream device [speed [base]] -- copy data from a backing file into a block device
boot_set bootdevice -- define new values for the boot device list
change device filename [format [read-only-mode]] -- change a removable medium, optional format
chardev-add args -- add chardev
chardev-change id args -- change chardev
chardev-remove id -- remove chardev
chardev-send-break id -- send a break on chardev
client_migrate_info protocol hostname port tls-port cert-subject -- set migration information for remote display
closefd closefd name -- close a file descriptor previously passed via SCM rights
commit device|all -- commit changes to the disk images (if -snapshot is used) or backing files
cpu index -- set the default CPU
cpu-add id -- add cpu (deprecated, use device_add instead)
c|cont  -- resume emulation
delvm tag -- delete a VM snapshot from its tag
device_add driver[,prop=value][,...] -- add device, like -device on the command line
device_del device -- remove device
drive_add [-n] [[<domain>:]<bus>:]<slot>
[,readonly=on|off][,copy-on-read=on|off] -- add drive to PCI storage controller
drive_backup [-n] [-f] [-c] device target [format] -- initiates a point-in-time
         copy for a device. The device's contents are
         copied to the new image file, excluding data that
         is written after the command is started.
         The -n flag requests QEMU to reuse the image found
         in new-image-file, instead of recreating it from scratch.
         The -f flag requests QEMU to copy the whole disk,
         so that the result does not need a backing file.
         The -c flag requests QEMU to compress backup data
         (if the target format supports it).

drive_del device -- remove host block device

使用help [命令]的方式,可以看到某个具体命令的使用说明。



Info顾名思义,是查看这个启动的虚拟机相关的各项信息的一个命令。它本身又是一套命令的合集,可以查看虚拟机相关的很多方面。使用help info,可以看到如下图所示的所有可用的info命令(下面的图只是示例,并不包含info的全部内容)。

info migrate  -- show migration status
info migrate_cache_size  -- show current migration xbzrle cache size
info migrate_capabilities  -- show current migration capabilities
info migrate_parameters  -- show current migration parameters
info mtree [-f][-d][-o] -- show memory tree (-f: dump flat view for address spaces;-d: dump dispatch tree, valid with -f only);-o: dump region owners/parents
info name  -- show the current VM name
info network  -- show the network state
info numa  -- show NUMA information
info opcount  -- show dynamic compiler opcode counters
info pci  -- show PCI info
info pic  -- show PIC state
info profile  -- show profiling information
info qdm  -- show qdev device model list
info qom-tree [path] -- show QOM composition tree
info qtree  -- show device tree
info ramblock  -- Display system ramblock information
info rdma  -- show RDMA state
info registers [-a] -- show the cpu registers (-a: all - show register info for all cpus)
info rocker name -- Show rocker switch
info rocker-of-dpa-flows name [tbl_id] -- Show rocker OF-DPA flow tables
info rocker-of-dpa-groups name [type] -- Show rocker OF-DPA groups
info rocker-ports name -- Show rocker ports
info roms  -- show roms
info snapshots  -- show the currently saved VM snapshots
info status  -- show the current VM status (running|paused)
info sync-profile [-m] [-n] [max] -- show synchronization profiling info, up to max entries (default: 10), sorted by total wait time. (-m: sort by mean wait time; -n: do not coalesce objects with the same call site)
info tpm  -- show the TPM device
info trace-events [name] [vcpu] -- show available trace-events & their state (name: event name pattern; vcpu: vCPU to query, default is any)
info usb  -- show guest USB devices
info usbhost  -- show host USB devices
info usernet  -- show user network stack connection states
info uuid  -- show the current VM UUID
info version  -- show the version of QEMU
info vm-generation-id  -- Show Virtual Machine Generation ID
info vnc  -- show the vnc server status


  • (1)可以查看物理地址空间结构的info mtree。任何一次QEMU模拟器的system级运行都可以理解为QEMU构建了一块完整的虚拟单板,而通过info mtree,可以看到这块虚拟单板的物理地址空间布局。

0000000000000000-ffffffffffffffff (prio 0, i/o): system
0000000000000000-0000000003ffffff (prio 0, romd): virt.flash0
0000000004000000-0000000007ffffff (prio 0, romd): virt.flash1
0000000008000000-0000000008000fff (prio 0, i/o): gic_dist
0000000008010000-0000000008011fff (prio 0, i/o): gic_cpu
0000000008020000-0000000008020fff (prio 0, i/o): gicv2m
0000000009000000-0000000009000fff (prio 0, i/o): pl011
0000000009010000-0000000009010fff (prio 0, i/o): pl031
0000000009020000-0000000009020007 (prio 0, i/o): fwcfg.data
0000000009020008-0000000009020009 (prio 0, i/o): fwcfg.ctl
0000000009020010-0000000009020017 (prio 0, i/o): fwcfg.dma
0000000009030000-0000000009030fff (prio 0, i/o): pl061
000000000a000000-000000000a0001ff (prio 0, i/o): virtio-mmio
000000000a000200-000000000a0003ff (prio 0, i/o): virtio-mmio
000000000a000400-000000000a0005ff (prio 0, i/o): virtio-mmio
000000000a000600-000000000a0007ff (prio 0, i/o): virtio-mmio
000000000a000800-000000000a0009ff (prio 0, i/o): virtio-mmio
000000000a000a00-000000000a000bff (prio 0, i/o): virtio-mmio
  • (2)可以查看物理地址空间所有外设相关信息的info qtree。比起info mtree重点放在地址空间布局上,info qtree更注重每个外设本身的一些信息,如有多少mmio空间、数据位宽、中断个数等

bus: main-system-bus
type System
dev: platform-bus-device, id "platform-bus-device"
   gpio-out "sysbus-irq" 64
   num_irqs = 64 (0x40)
   mmio_size = 33554432 (0x2000000)
   mmio ffffffffffffffff/0000000002000000
dev: fw_cfg_mem, id ""
   data_width = 8 (0x8)
   dma_enabled = true
   x-file-slots = 32 (0x20)
   mmio 0000000009020008/0000000000000002
   mmio 0000000009020000/0000000000000008
   mmio 0000000009020010/0000000000000008
dev: virtio-mmio, id ""
   gpio-out "sysbus-irq" 1
   format_transport_address = true
   force-legacy = true
   mmio 000000000a003e00/0000000000000200
   bus: virtio-mmio-bus.31
      type virtio-mmio-bus
  • (3)可以查看有多少个cpu的info cpus。前面有*标志的cpu表示当前的cpu。使用cpu [cpu号]的命令,可以切换到某个其他的cpu上面。当前cpu表示正在观察的cpu,如info registers操作(后面会讲),如果不使用info registers -a,默认只会打印当前cpu的寄存器信息。

* CPU #0: thread_id=3639
  CPU #1: thread_id=3640
  CPU #2: thread_id=3641
  CPU #3: thread_id=3642
  • (4)可以查看每个模拟cpu的寄存器信息的info registers

PC=ffffffc0104d16c0 X00=0000000000000000 X01=ffffffc010730000
X02=ffffffc01075e340 X03=0000000000048600 X04=ffffff8007f82508
X05=0000000000000000 X06=ffffff8007f82370 X07=0000000000000004
X08=ffffffc01075ed30 X09=ffffffc010753e20 X10=0000000000000990
X11=0000000000000000 X12=0000000000000000 X13=0000000000000000
X14=0000000000000000 X15=0000000000000000 X16=0000000000000000
X17=0000000000000000 X18=0000000000000000 X19=ffffffc010730000
X20=ffffffc010758000 X21=0000000000000000 X22=ffffffc010758740
X23=0000000000000001 X24=ffffffc0107587c0 X25=ffffffc01073fe40
X26=ffffffc010720004 X27=00000000400800f0 X28=00000000406e0018
X29=ffffffc010753ea0 X30=ffffffc0104d16d8  SP=ffffffc010753ea0
PSTATE=40000085 -Z-- EL1h     FPCR=00000000 FPSR=00000000
Q00=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q01=00000073252f7325:0000000000732520
Q02=20746e697270206f:742064656c696146 Q03=ffffff0000000000:ffffffffff000000
Q04=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q05=4010040040000001:4010040140000400
Q06=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q07=4010040140100401:4010040140100401
Q08=0000000000000000:41cdcd6500000000 Q09=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q10=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q11=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q12=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q13=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q14=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q15=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q16=0000000054415544:0000000054415544 Q17=0000000000000000:00000000a8000000
Q18=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q19=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q20=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q21=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q22=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q23=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q24=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q25=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q26=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q27=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q28=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q29=0000000000000000:0000000000000000
Q30=0000000000000000:0000000000000000 Q31=0000000000000000:0000000000000000

Info还有许许多多功能,这里不再一一列举了,大家可以直接在QEMU monitor中使用help info查看全部命令。


QEMU monitor控制台很多时候可用于调试,所以有时需要打印各种地址上的内容。x和xp的功能相辅相成,一个可以通过物理地址打印内容,一个可以通过虚拟地址打印内容。用法和gdb中的x命令是相同的,但是gdb并不能看到某个进程使用了哪些物理地址,所以没有能够打印物理地址中内容的xp功能。


(qemu) x/32wx 0xffffffc0104d16c0
ffffffc0104d16c0: 0xd50323bf 0xd65f03c0 0xd503233f 0xa9bf7bfd
ffffffc0104d16d0: 0x910003fd 0x97fffff8 0xa8c17bfd 0xd50323bf
ffffffc0104d16e0: 0xd65f03c0 0xd503233f 0xa9bf7bfd 0x910003fd
ffffffc0104d16f0: 0x97fffff6 0xd2801c00 0xd50342ff 0xa8c17bfd
ffffffc0104d1700: 0xd50323bf 0xd65f03c0 0xd5184600 0xd503233f
ffffffc0104d1710: 0xa9bc7bfd 0xd5384101 0x910003fd 0xa90153f3
ffffffc0104d1720: 0xaa0003f4 0xa9025bf5 0xa90363f7 0xb9401020
ffffffc0104d1730: 0xf9401035 0x11000400 0xb9001020 0xf00012e2
(qemu) xp/32wx 0x404d2780
00000000404d2780: 0xd503233f 0xa9bd7bfd 0x910003fd 0xa90153f3
00000000404d2790: 0x90001873 0xa9025bf5 0x913b2273 0x90000136
00000000404d27a0: 0x90001875 0x911782d6 0x913a02b5 0xd2800014
00000000404d27b0: 0x94000792 0xd1012260 0xf8747ac1 0xf900301f
00000000404d27c0: 0x91000694 0xf9000275 0xf9001a61 0x29087e7f
00000000404d27d0: 0xb9044a7f 0x940007ab 0x91160273 0xf100129f
00000000404d27e0: 0x54fffea1 0xa94153f3 0xa9425bf5 0xa8c37bfd
00000000404d27f0: 0xd50323bf 0xd65f03c0 0xd503233f 0xa9be7bfd


  • 首先在QEMU运行之前,通过qemu-img 的create命令,创建一个磁盘文件,磁盘文件必须是qcow2格式而不能是raw格式,因为raw格式的镜像不支持savevm/loadvm功能。如下面的命令,即创建了一个2G大小的,格式为qcow2,名为imagedisk的磁盘文件。

qemu-img create -f qcow2 imagedisk 2G
  • 在QEMU启动参数中,加上-hda [磁盘文件名],如-hda imagedisk。以此告知QEMU模拟器使用hda参数指明的磁盘文件来保存磁盘镜像。

./qemu-4.2.1/aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 \
  -M virt-4.0 \
  -cpu cortex-a57 \
  -smp 4 \
  -nographic \
  -kernel $KERNEL \
  -initrd $INITRD \
  -hda imagedisk
  • 这样一来,当QEMU运行的时候,就可以随时将当前状态通过savevm [tag]命令保存到imagedisk磁盘文件中了。[tag]可以自己决定,只是为镜像起一个名字,如savevm img0。在保存后,使用info snapshots命令即可以看到所有保存的磁盘镜像。

(qemu) info snapshots
List of snapshots present on all disks:
ID        TAG                     VM SIZE                DATE       VM CLOCK
--        img0                   57.3 MiB 2022-03-16 01:50:22   00:00:26.950
  • 在保存镜像至磁盘文件后,只要后面启动的时候在参数-hda后面带上这个磁盘文件,即可以通过loadvm [tag]的方式恢复保存的镜像,并回到保存时的机器状态进行使用了。



(qemu) gva2gpa 0xffffffc0104d16c0
gpa: 0x404d16c0